


Who we are:

TMAD is a PS3 only clan. We use tactics to win, not the crappy camping gig. At the moment we are currently playing  Modern Warfare 2. We will also cover various war games in the future such as MAG and Bad Company 2. All members are instantly accepted and put in a squad, if the user is inactive/abusive/etc., the user will be kicked/banned from the clan and will notify other clans of the members inappropriate behavior.

Currently, we play TDM, Team Tactical, Domination, Search and Destroy, Capture the flag, and other various game modes.

We also have a system of rankings and awards. When you earn awards (see awards page) you simplly go on our forum and post which award(s) you earned. We have  system of army rankings from private to general.

How to Join:

If you would like to join, please do the following steps:

1. Fill out the application.

2. Register for our clan forum.

3.Add Zilladevilla as a psn friend.

4. Once this is done, you will undergo a one week probation period. You should have registered on the forum so after one week I will send you a message stating if you have made it or not.

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